Rape and Sexual Assault
A sex crime, generally defined, is any criminal offense that involves illegal actions of a sexual nature. This includes rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, indecent exposure, child molestation, prostitution, lewd conduct. Sex crimes can be felonies and misdemeanors. Even misdemeanor sex crimes can carry mandatory lifetime registration as a sex offender. Most prosecutors and courts look harshly on these offenses.
These crimes often receive zealous media attention, a harsher prosecution and greater punishments. It is important that you choose the right attorney with the right experience to help you.
The ramifications are greater than in many other types of criminal cases. In California, most sex crimes, including misdemeanors, carry mandatory registration as a sex offender. This is a lifetime requirement that will impact your job, reputation, personal lifestyle and family.
If you are facing accusations of a sex crime, The Law Offices of Paula Drake can help you. These types of offenses, in particular, require an attorney with experience and an excellent track record with sex offense cases. This is an area of criminal law requiring special knowledge and experience.
Criminal Defense Attorney Paula Drake can represent you in your matter and provide you with your best defense. Paula Drake is experienced in handling of sex crime cases for both adults and juveniles. We will aggressively advocate for you and act to protect your rights. Your case will get the time and attention that it deserves.